On the Bank Accounts detail page you can turn on an off the accounts you want to see in Weekly, see your Sync history, Update your login details or Delete the institution all together.
Guide to Institution Page
1 – Account Toggle
Under “Accounts” you can see all the checking, savings and credit cards associated with the banking institution. On the on-off toggle on the left you and turn on a bank or credit card and customize what accounts you manage in Weekly. Weekly downloads all the transactions from all your accounts even if they are “off”. One of the advantages of this approach is that if you turn on one of the accounts, the transaction associated with that account will become immediately visible in Weekly. When you turn off an institution that was once on and has reviewed transactions, the reviewed transactions will stay reviewed.
2 – Sync history
Tap “Sync history” to see a history of the times that Weekly has connected to this institution and downloaded transactions.
3 – Update Credentials
If you ever need to change your bank username and password, you can do so by tapping “Update Credentials”.
4 – Delete Institutions
Deleting an institution will remove all the connection information from Weekly. Confirmed transactions will remain but associated bank data will be removed. If you are interested completely deleting your transaction data (and Weekly account) you can tap “Delete Account” under “Profile“.